Sales Training Tips: Answer Objections Effectively in New York City NY
Most salespeople are frustrated by objections and hope the presentation goes so well that no objections even come up. However, what most salespeople forget is that even during the best of presentations, to the most qualified of prospects, objections are always present even if they were not stated.
When people think about reasons for buying something, they generally also think about reasons for not buying it. This fact remains true even when the prospect wants to buy and has basically made their decision. To better understand why objections are even raised to begin with, think about a time when you may have had reservations about a purchase. Perhaps you weren't sure that the product was a good value for the price, or maybe you were thinking about switching brands and had second thoughts about doing so. Even when we wanted to buy, we’ve all questioned whether or not we should move forward with the purchase, so it's only natural that your prospects will as well.
Important tip: Notice that sometimes we are leaning enough toward wanting something that we don’t bother to verbalize the objections. That doesn’t mean your still not thinking about the objection. The same is true of your prospects.
Essential tip: Stalls and “failure to launch” are frustrating. The prospect is qualified, wants the product or service but keeps procrastinating (stalling) on moving forward with the purchase. Recognize they have an internal objection that needs to be handled even though they are not verbalizing it.
Sales Training: Understanding Different Types of Objections in New York City NY
Most objections are caused by indecision, and it's important to remember that with qualified prospects. Once you understand that, your mindset of how you approach and handle objections can dramatically change. Unqualified prospects by definition can’t buy, and qualified prospects can buy, so something is causing indecision (rather than a solid obstacle) a high percentage of the time. Especially with price objections: If they are qualified, their indecision is about the value offered.
Three common objection buckets:
1. Insignificant objections
These objections really won’t keep someone from buying if they really want it. During a sales training session, a realtor in NYC was concerned about a deal falling through because the prospect hated the color of two bedrooms and didn’t like that the bathroom was carpeted (don’t blame the prospect there). This was insignificant to the value of the home. Insignificant objections are just statements that are intended to make conversation, be a little “excuse” not to buy or a small attempt to gain a little negotiation leverage. Recognize they are not something that will make or break the deal if solid value is in place.
2. Half-truths in the objections
These are “facts” the prospect may have heard that aren't necessarily completely true but also are not completely incorrect. It may be some information they read about and don't understand completely, or a situation that is true in some instances but not all. They tell you so you don't think they're uninformed. They want to appear like a smart buyer to you, so they will come up with any objection they can to make themselves look better and to “protect themselves” from having to make a decision/commitment. Remember: people fear being wrong, so often they overthink things or act indecisive.
3. Real issue objections
Reasons for not buying that the prospect views as valid. Sometimes, these objections are unavoidable, but you can minimize them as much as possible by:
- Giving the prospect the complete story/information
- Making sure that information is clearly understood
- Answering these objections prior to them being brought up
- Prospect's indecision
- Prospect is too nervous to make a decision. If they are unable to make a decision, regardless of the reason, they will raise objections.
- Not seeing or understanding enough value
Mark Anthony presents sales, customer service, and telemarketing seminars. If you’d like more tips and a free consultation, call 888-973-5569.
- Role playing activities emphasize the information and tailor every customer service method to suit your representatives individual personality and style.
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- Limited class size to ensure individual attention.
- Applicable customer service methods for the New York marketplace.